The Crossing

The zone on the border between Russia and China near the cities of Blagoveshchensk and Heihe is a special place. Life here is reminiscent of the life of a large Russian-Chinese family. The two nations are largely integrated: they make friends, fall in love, work together, and speak each other's languages fluently. Chinese student Chen Yuejue is trying to connect her future with Russia, and Russian photographer and martial arts coach Oleg is trying to become a professor at a Chinese university. Even the construction of the first automobile bridge between Russia and China favors their plans, but at the most unexpected moment everything changes under the onslaught of a global obstacle.

  • Release year: 2022
  • Director: Nastya Tarasova
  • Release in Russia: 17 November 2022
  • Certificate: 112003622
  • Distributor in Russia: Reflection Films
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